a collection of notes on areas of personal interest
It is likely that you have arrived accidentally at the boring page that so many sites seem to have. My apologies for this, but if you can’t stand the pain, please leave now or close your eyes and I’ll let you know when it’s all over…
As a professional, I have been employed variously as an architect, urban designer, planner and management consultant. Educated and trained in the United Kingdom I have worked in various parts of Europe, north America and the Middle East – the latter being the setting for my chief area of professional interest, and what has now developed into the greater part of this site with over a million words in impenetrable sentences and six thousand photographs and illustrations.
In addition to working in the areas of architecture, planning, urban design, project management and management consultancy, I have taught architecture, urban design, graphic design and presentation techniques. These areas have brought additional benefit, enabling me to gain wide experience and degrees of involvement ranging in scale from the nebulous design worlds of graphics, crockery and cutlery, glass and napery, furniture, interior design, architectural, landscaping, urban design and master planning through to national strategic planning. I have also found myself lucky to have worked in regulatory controls, change management relating to national and local government, as well as in tertiary and primary education.
In common with many people I have a variety of other interests competing for my time including, but not limited to areas of the arts, design, science and technical subjects, genealogy, writing, travel and mentoring – the list seems endless but I’m sure is not uncommon if you think about it…
Right, that’s enough of this kind of thing. Most people have a fairly wide range of interests, but I now see that they do look a little odd written down… Why is it people feel compelled to write all this type of rubbish on their ‘About’ pages and why, on a related note, are most ‘About’ pages written in the third person?
So, my grateful thanks if you’ve made it this far, and my profound apologies for what is likely to be the continuing state of development that is likely to characterise this site.
That’s it; it’s over; you can open your eyes now…